Soil is a mixture of mineral and organic components in constant flux between their solid, gaseous and aqueous states. Soils consisting of layers of mineral components differ physically and chemically from their source materials. As these elements break down, the organic matter becomes part of the soil’s mineral content.
Need custom-blended soil? Just ask!
Please note: Our minimum purchase for all bulk products is one cubic yard. Please call our office at (816) 761-3046 for delivery fees. Fees start at $55 per delivery. Quoted prices are subject to change without notice.
Due to the nature of our delivery vehicles, the delivery site must be free of overhead wires, trees, and any other obstructions. Please note all trucks will remain on the city street or on a paved/asphalted driveway during delivery. If you have questions, please call (816) 761-3046.
- $45.00 per cubic yard View Product
- $54.00 per cubic yard View Product
- $44.00 per cubic yard View Product